Who are we?

We are a couple of travelers, explorers of the paths of consciousness, lovers of philosophy, spirituality, culture and science.

We learned that true happiness is possible and also probable, when we stop looking for it and get busy practicing it.

Inspired by the certainty that everyone can help themselves to lead a better life, we are dedicated to sharing transformative experiences to unleash your inner happiness.

Our mission: To inspire people to own their happiness unconditionally.

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Yaniv Shanti

Co-founder and director of El Despertador - School of Happiness

Happiness activist and emotional health promoter. Lecturer, motivator, life coach, instructor of mindfulness, meditation and personal growth, developer of experiential learning tools, designer and facilitator of transformational experiences, celebrant of intentional ceremonies, architect, DJ. and entrepreneur.

Through conferences, workshops, retreats, group activations and individual sessions, I have had the privilege of helping thousands of people, over 25 years of dedication, to regain, enjoy and share their happiness with the world.


Aisha Michal

Co-founder of El Despertador, School Of Happiness.

Body therapist, with over 25 years of experience, graduated in Traditional Chinese Medicine in Israel, certified in Thai Massage in Chiang-Mai, Thailand and energy work in Pune, India.

Carrier of the Sacred Obsidian Pipe, of the Aztec-Mexica Tradition, celebrant of rites of passage, symbolic weddings and different intentional ceremonies.

Self-taught Chef with more than 25 years of experience in exotic, vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free cuisine.

Facilitator of the cooking workshop “The Secret Ingredient” , an inspiring and fun encounter to fall in love with cooking on all its richness and possibilities.

Committed to the spiritual path as a practitioner, healer, teacher, and eternal student.